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No Dependencies.
Just Pure Javascript.
Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Opera.
Even mobile browsers.
IE support coming soon.
Quick and easy to get started.
Download, reference and init.

Setup Drawl.js

1. Link and activate Drawl

A. Link to local copy of Drawl
<script src="path/to/drawl.js"></script>
new Drawl();
Or (quicker - without downloading anything)
B. Use Drawl hosted CDN:
<script src=""></script>
new Drawl();

2. Setup your SVG

Add an inline SVG to your page and add the 'drawl' class:
<svg class="drawl"...
The inside paths must have a fill, stroke, and stroke-width defined.
In order for the plugin to work properly, please convert all shapes to paths.
<path fill="#color" stroke="#color" stroke-width="px"...
Example of how an SVG using Drawl looks:
<svg class="drawl" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
<path fill="#000" stroke="#000" stroke-width="10px" d="M864 0c88.364 0 160 71.634 160 160 0 36.020-11.91 69.258-32 96l-64 64-224-224 64-64c26.742-20.090 59.978-32 96-32zM64 736l-64 288 288-64 592-592-224-224-592 592zM715.578 363.578l-448 448-55.156-55.156 448-448 55.156 55.156z">
This code will produce a pencil SVG. Copy & paste this SVG to do a quick test.

3. Drawl.js Options

A new Drawl:
new Drawl();
runs with the following defaults:
new Drawl({
drawlClass: "drawl", // HTML class for SVG tags
replayClass: null, // HTML Class you can assign to an element to replay animation.
initialDelay: 0 // delay animation start. Time in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s)
So, lets say that you wanted to do the following:
1. Change the drawlClass to "animated-svg".
2. Add a button to replay the animation.
3. Initially delay (on page load) the SVG from animating by 3 seconds (3000ms):

Your Drawl init script would be:
new Drawl({
drawlClass: "animated-svg",
replayClass: "drawl-again",
initialDelay: 3000
and the HTML for your SVG and replay button would look something like this:
<svg class="animated-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
<path fill="#000" stroke="#000" stroke-width="10px" d="..."></path>
<button class="drawl-again">Replay</button>

Browser Support

This plugin will only work in browsers that support both SVGs and SVG effects for HTML:
Right now this plug will not work with Internet Explorer since it has horrible support for SVG effects.
Drawl SVGs in IE just appear normal (filled in) with no magic.

SVGs - IE**, FF 31+, Chrome 31+, Safari 7+, iOS Safari 7.1+, and Android Browser 4.4+
SVG Effects for HTML - IE**, FF 31+, Chrome 31+, iOS Safari 7.1+, and Android Browser 4.4+
**Planning on adding support to IE soon.

In order for the plugin to work properly, please convert all shapes to paths.

Contribution Guidelines

Drawl.js loves pull requests. Here's a quick guide:

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature/bug/dev branch.
3. Commit your changes to the branch.
4. Push to the branch.
5. Create new pull request to the Dev branch.

Please make sure to include any additional info with your pull request.

Drawl.js is MIT Licensed.
Free for personal and commercial use.

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